
master key experience

Week 15


“Growth is attained through an exchange of the old for the new, of the good for the better; it is a conditional or reciprocal action, for each of us is a complete thought entity and this completeness makes it possible for us to receive only as we give”. The idea of exchanging the old for the new rather than just letting go of the old makes this process so much more attainable for me. I find myself replacing habits and thinking of this journey as a continuous evolution of exchange; give-and-take; yin and yang; contraction and expansion. Learning anything for me has always been a process of two steps forward one step back. I absolutely love the reading this week. I find the notion of insight and all of the references to principal and natural law so helpful in gaining a new life perspective. I focus on keeping the channel open: love, thoughts, words, word pictures, thought forms, physical manifestation. Focusing on keeping the channel to Divine Mind open, and on gratitude and “giving more” are becoming daily habits. This keeps me in the dynamic flow of giving and receiving and for this I am so grateful. 

Author: mkmmalaurie

About me.... committed to personal growth and development, and to living a life of peace, passion and prosperity.

3 thoughts on “Week 15

  1. Great job incorporating the principles into your thinking. I appreciate how you wove everything together in such a short post.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I absolutely agree with what you’ve put into this week’s post – using insight to recognize and let go of the old and make way for something better. Good job!


  3. Giving & Receiving. Bingo!

    Liked by 1 person

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